European Cheese

Eurovision season rolls round and with it endless bad jokes and irony. We've watched it for the last four or five years - TK loves it, not in a post-ironic or even sarcastic way. He just finds the whole business hilarious fun. This year we got the usual crop of leggy blondes, men in leather pants, bizarre Euro-lyrics and generous helpings of tandoori skin. Here were some of your favourites - none of them won, of course:

Azerbaijan: gothic extravaganza with men in drag and women in underwear. What's not to love?

Switzerland: a button-cute Italian and an inanely catchy ballad. Just too Eurovision and sadly never destined for success.

Ukraine: a sexpot in a tasselled minidress belting out a very bad, high octane pop song. Fabulous legs, a burnished fake tan and some heaving cleavage.

Estonia: three fat and cheerful middleaged men, one of them an Estonian MP. I didn't see them but apparently they rocked.

Latvia: they came as pirates!!!


  • Anna feels that Switzerland were robbed. That smile alone should have made him the winner. I thought the slappers (literally and in the skanky sense) of the Czech Republic were outstanding.

  • Yeah, TK and Lord Dawson were highly impressed with the shady ladies of Eastern Eurovision. And tell Anna I downloaded Switzerland's song!! (But I can't get the real, non-Euro version from his latest album of cheesy goodness).